
Invisible DX Antenna for the Low Bands

This paper describes a multi-band DX antenna for the 160m-40m amateur radio bands with low visibility but great performance for long distance communication

Invisible DX Antenna for the Low Bands

Antenna 160 meter Links


Linear Loaded Wire Antennas
I have done a lot of research on wire antennas on the internet as well as other places and developed aninterest in linear loading

Loop Antenna Info
I have personally used a 160 meter band Horizontal Full Wave Loop antenna with very good success. I worked all 50 states and several countries with 100 Watts

Polarized antenna the Linear loaded
This is a vertically and horizontally polarized antenna the Linear loaded 1/4 wave length vertical radiator introduces very little loss

Topband with its wavelenght 160m
Dimensons are explained on the picture. During my initial testing was resonance on 1850kHz


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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