10m-10 meter antennas
12m-12 meter antennas
15m-12 meter antennas
17m-17 meter antennas
20m-20 meter antennas
2m-2 meter antennas
23cm-23 cm 1200 MHz antennas
30m-30 meter 10 MHz antennas
40m-40 meter antennas
6m-6 meter 50 MHz antennas
70cm-70cm 432-440 MHz antennas
80m-40 meter antennas
160m-40 meter antennas
60m-60 meter 5 MHz antennas
136 khz-136 KHz o 2200 meter antennas
Bazooka-Bazooka calculator antenna
Beverage-Beverage antenna for low bands
Cb Antenna-Cb Antenna 11 Meter Projects
Collinear-Collinear antennas
Cobweb-Cobweb antenna multibands
Delta Loop-Delta Loop
Eh-Eh antennas
End-fed antenna-End-fed antenna
EWE Antenna-EWE Antenna for receiving low bands
Fan Dipole-Fan Dipole
Fractal Antenna-Fractal theory antennas
Folded Dipole-Terminated folded dipole
Fiberglass Tubing
Fiberglass Tubing-Pole telescoping fiberglass
G5RV-G5RV multi band-antenna-all hf bands
Halo-Halo Antenna vhf uhd Projects
Helix-Helix antennas
Hentenna-Hentenna for 50 MHz
Hidden Antenna-Hidden Antenna
HF mobile-HF mobile antennas
HexBeam-Hexagonal beam antennas
Isotron-Isotron antennas for small spaces
Jpole-Jpole antenna vhf uhf
Loop-Loop antenna magnetic loop
Log Periodic-Log periodic antenna
Low Band Receiving-Low Band Receiving antennas
Lideband-Lideband antennas
Moxon-Moxon antennas Projects
Multiband-Multiband antennas
Morgain-Morgain antennas
Ocf Fed Dipole-Ocf center Fed dipole antennas
Quad-Quad antennas
Slot-Slot antenna
Spiral antenna-Spiral antenna reduces space
Vertical-Vertical antennas
Vhf-Uhf-Shf-Vhf-Uhf-Shf antennas
Wifi & Ghz-Wifi & Ghz antennas
Windom-Windom antennas
Wire-Wire filar antenna
Yagi-Yagi antennas
Tower-tower for antennas
Traps-Traps for antennas
Transmatch-Transmatch antenna tuner
Audio Recording
Audio Recording-Noise reduction software
Antennas manufacturers
Antennas manufacturers-Antennas manufacturers
Antenna Switch
Antenna Switch-Antenna switches
Beacons Radiamateur
Beacons Radiamateur-Beacon-project
Band Plan Ham Radio
Band Plan Ham Radio-Iaru-hf-band-plan
Contest Logging Software
Contest Logging Software-Qartest-radio-contest-logging
Components and kit
Components and kits-Kits-and-components
DX Cluster software
DX Cluster software-Dx-cluster
Dummy Load home made
Dummy Load home made-Construction a dummy load
EME ham radio satellite
EME ham radio satellite-Earth-moon-earth-communication
Elecraft Transceiver
Elecraft Transceiver-Elecraft K2 reflector
Electronic Components
Electronic Components-Electronic components online store
Ham Radio Clubs Europe Italy
Ham Radio Clubs Europe Italy-Ari sezione di Genova-iq1ge
HF Radio modifications
HF Radio modifications-Icom Yaesu band-decoder arduino
Ham radio magazine
Ham radio magazine-CQ magazine
Icom 7300
Icom 7300-IC 7300 external tuner with balun-9.1
Kenwood TS 2000
Kenwood TS 2000-Mods-Kenwood Ts2000 dsp
Logging software
Logging software-Easylog.com ham radio logging
Log Converter Software
Log Converter Software-Convert adif to cabrillo format
Microphone setting
Microphone setting-Microphone boom headset for the Ft-897
Mac Ham Radio Software
Mac Ham Radio Software-Morse mania for macos
Microwave-Broadcast microwave services
Power Supply
Power Supply-40 amp power supply
PSk31 software
PSk31 software-Winpsk psk31 applications
Propagation prediction
Propagation prediction-Ionospheric simulator
Propagation Solar Cycle
Propagation Solar Cycle-Radio propagation introduction
QRSS Amateur VLF
QRSS Amateur VLF-10m qrss qrpp beacon
QSL Printing
QSL Printing-IK1PML bevione
Radio old museum
Radio old museum-Military-radio
Rtty mode
Rtty mode-Contesting rtty tips
Radio control software
Radio control software-Antenna rotator system
Remote Radio
Remote Radio-Remaud-remote-audio-software
Radio Programming
Radio programming-Radio programming software
Radio Portal
Radio Portal-Dx-425-news
RF Filter
RF Filter-Audio filter and speakers
RF attenuator
RF attenuator-Attenuators and preamps
Soldering-How to desolder components
Swr Meters
Swr Meters-Ft meter yaesu-897-857
System grounding
System grounding-Antenna grounding system
Software Antenna
Software Antenna-Antenna calculation software
Spectrum Analyzer
Spectrum Analyzer-A simple spectrum analyser
Software Defined Radio
Software Defined Radio-Sdr-Drm for yaesu-ft-897-857-817
Surplus Radio
Surplus Radio-Military- adio information
SWL Shortwave
SWL Shortwave-Guide to-radio broadcast transmitters
SSTV-Multimode program multipsk
Transverter for radio
Telegraph Morse
Telegraph Morse-Diy arduino cw keyer
Tracking Satellite
Tracking Satellite-Controlled rotator for amsat satellites
Television ATV
Television ATV-Power amplifier for 13 cm atv
Voice Messages Keyer
Voice Messages Keyer-Voice & cw keyer
Web Sdr
Web Sdr-Websdr in Milford Pennsylvania
Yaesu FT 857 transceiver
Yaesu FT 857 transceiver-Ft-857 display problems
40 meter Phased Array An used coaxial delay lines in his two-element phased array, and some users still use delay lines with good results
Cat display yaesu ft 817 External CatDisplay for the YAESU FT817 by DL6NCI, project ZL1CVD
Wide-Range Antenna Arrays For the Roanoke Doppler Doppler units are the "weapon of choice" among mobile T-hunters in many parts of the country. They indicate the direction of incoming VHF signals on a circular ring of light-emitting diodes or a digital display
2200 and 630 Meters The best strategy for these bands where I am constantly experimenting and trying new things
Beacon Keyer PIC16F84 Home callsign or service callsign, e.g. oz7igy and oz7igy/a. optional home locator or service locator, e.g. jo55wm and jo65er. optional extra message that can be used to indicate propagation, e.g. "aur".optional opera digital message, home callsign, for increased s/n-performance.easy change of callsigns, locators and extra message in the software.instead of sending a key down "message" it is possible to send "last letter id."variable duty cycle, 100% or 50%, to save power
Antenna tuner for antenne Levy Here is a small tuner box Levy antenna that covers with a single self and without switching the bands from 14 to 28 MHz
Capacitive Loaded Vertical Doublet My linear-loaded vertical doublet has been doing an excellent job the past two years, but it's time for a change. I've wanted to play with a twin-T capacitive loaded vertical doublet design
Carico Fittizio 50 ohm Il carico fittizio che vi illustro brevemente è stato realizzato assemblando in parallelo alcuni restore