Full Wave Loop Antenna
I have personally used a 160 meter band Horizontal Full Wave Loop antenna with very good success. I worked all 50 states and several countries with 100 Watts using the antenna on the 160 meter band. With a good antenna tuner the antenna will work 6 thru 160 meters
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 160 meter Links →
Shortened antenna on 160mt
The dimensions of 160 meter full size antennas lead you to look for acceptable solutions for their shortening. The author, for example, was driven by the sad fact that a life size inverted dipole on a tree of reasonable height 12 m does not fit the roof of a typical prefabricated house
The 160-meter antenna
Short verticals 30 feet long or greater)can be effective, too. You may want to make one from aluminum tubing or a telescoping steel mast
Two wave-length 160-Meter Loop Antenna
This antenna works very well! It is about 35 feet off gather ground. It is fed with about 134 feet of 450 Ohm window line
The dimensions of 160 meter full size antennas lead you to look for acceptable solutions for their shortening. The author, for example, was driven by the sad fact that a life size inverted dipole on a tree of reasonable height 12 m does not fit the roof of a typical prefabricated house
Short verticals 30 feet long or greater)can be effective, too. You may want to make one from aluminum tubing or a telescoping steel mast
This antenna works very well! It is about 35 feet off gather ground. It is fed with about 134 feet of 450 Ohm window line
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62