20m mini loaded dipole
This is my mini dipole for 20m that I built to have some fun while in holidays
post 05 Dec 2024

Antenna 20mt 14 Mhz Links →
A 20 Meter Half Square Antenna for QRP Portable Operation, KA1DDB
The half square is made of a two strand computer ribbon cable 100 feet long, 47 feet of which is used for the balanced feed line
An Hexagonal Beam in 3 hours
The HEX has a very small wingspan, but no loading coils or traps Therefore it does not have the losses associated with such devices It appears to perform much as a full size 2 element yagi, but with a better match to 50 Ohm coax, comparable gain and f/b, but with a bit less bandwidth Physically, it is very light and strong. It can be multibanded by nesting elements one inside the other, like a multi-band Quad
Antenna HF Portable for 20 meters
Here's an easily transportable vertical antenna for 20 meters collapsible to 4 feet
Bi-Plane Antenna for 20 Meters
A Bi-Plane antenna for 20 meters, tuned it up, and put it on the air. Resultsd indicate that it is working pretty well for a 3-feet long dipole-type antenna at 22 feet up
C-POLE portable antenna for 20mt
Dimensions of C-Pole Antenna for 20m, frequency 14.240 MHz verall wire length roughly 1/2 wavelength, feedpoint 25% from end, lectrically an off center fed dipole
The half square is made of a two strand computer ribbon cable 100 feet long, 47 feet of which is used for the balanced feed line
The HEX has a very small wingspan, but no loading coils or traps Therefore it does not have the losses associated with such devices It appears to perform much as a full size 2 element yagi, but with a better match to 50 Ohm coax, comparable gain and f/b, but with a bit less bandwidth Physically, it is very light and strong. It can be multibanded by nesting elements one inside the other, like a multi-band Quad
Here's an easily transportable vertical antenna for 20 meters collapsible to 4 feet
A Bi-Plane antenna for 20 meters, tuned it up, and put it on the air. Resultsd indicate that it is working pretty well for a 3-feet long dipole-type antenna at 22 feet up
Dimensions of C-Pole Antenna for 20m, frequency 14.240 MHz verall wire length roughly 1/2 wavelength, feedpoint 25% from end, lectrically an off center fed dipole