An Hexagonal Beam

The HEX has a very small wingspan, but no loading coils or traps Therefore it does not have the losses associated with such devices It appears to perform much as a full size 2 element yagi, but with a better match to 50 Ohm coax, comparable gain and f/b, but with a bit less bandwidth Physically, it is very light and strong. It can be multibanded by nesting elements one inside the other, like a multi-band Quad
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 20mt 14 Mhz Links →
20 Meter Ground Plane Vertical Antenna
The portable 20m ground plan antenna is a basic wire arrangement with a wire radiator and three radials spaced 120 degrees apart
20m vertical aerial
About ten feet of 22mm copper pipe and about eight feet of 15mm copper pipe
20 meter Vertical with Balun
The balun is rather easy to make you need only a few items. This is a basic balun for a wire antenna, and it worked great for the flagpole
20m vertical antenna
Vertical antennas with a 1/4 or 1/2 wave sizing. Just a happy few build a 5/8 wave vertical antenna. This is remarkable, since the 5/8 has the lowest angle of radiation and has about 1dB more gain compared to 1/4 and 1/2 verticals
A cubical quad for 20 meter
The portable 20m ground plan antenna is a basic wire arrangement with a wire radiator and three radials spaced 120 degrees apart
About ten feet of 22mm copper pipe and about eight feet of 15mm copper pipe
The balun is rather easy to make you need only a few items. This is a basic balun for a wire antenna, and it worked great for the flagpole
Vertical antennas with a 1/4 or 1/2 wave sizing. Just a happy few build a 5/8 wave vertical antenna. This is remarkable, since the 5/8 has the lowest angle of radiation and has about 1dB more gain compared to 1/4 and 1/2 verticals

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map