A cubical quad for 20 meter

post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 20mt 14 Mhz Links →
Dipole 14mhz/50mhz
The dipoles are not in contact, are tightly coupled and spaced approximately 7cm apart. This technique is quite applicable for a larger number of dipoles
Delta Loop UN7CI for 7, 10, 14 and 21- MHz
The antenna was designed to work from a field conditions at amateur’s bands 7, 10, 14 and 21-MHz. The antenna has SWR less the 2.0:1.0 at height of the lower side 1.2 meters above the ground
Dismantable for 10m-20m
For the bands 10 m and 12 m the Yagi is working as a reflector-radiator-Yagi, for 15 m and 17 m as a beam with radiator and director
End Fed Halfwave Antenna And Matching Unit for 20-30-40 meters
an EFHWA for 20-40 meters, and the other is a matching unit for the antenna
Fuchs-Antenna for 20m
Vertically mounted on a fibre glass telescopic tower this aerial makes my main antenna for 20m qrp work
The dipoles are not in contact, are tightly coupled and spaced approximately 7cm apart. This technique is quite applicable for a larger number of dipoles
The antenna was designed to work from a field conditions at amateur’s bands 7, 10, 14 and 21-MHz. The antenna has SWR less the 2.0:1.0 at height of the lower side 1.2 meters above the ground
For the bands 10 m and 12 m the Yagi is working as a reflector-radiator-Yagi, for 15 m and 17 m as a beam with radiator and director
an EFHWA for 20-40 meters, and the other is a matching unit for the antenna
Vertically mounted on a fibre glass telescopic tower this aerial makes my main antenna for 20m qrp work