Stacking with Coax Cables as Transformation Lines

The stacking cables are made of odd multiples of 1/4-coax-cables 3/4-, 5/4- or 7/4
post 18 Dec 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Meter loopThe Antenna is more or less Omni Directional and horizontally polarized.It presents a high takeoff angle and is intended for use in the 144.200mhz area
New Helix Antenna DesignGain: 15.9 dBci approximately 1 to 1.5 dB better than the standard Helix antennas I have modeled, pattern: First Side lobes at 36 degrees down 14 dB Average of all remaining sidelobes <25 dB, bandwidth: <0.2 dB variability from 432 to 438 Mhz 50 Ohm Match at <1.2 VSWR from 432 to 438 Mhz
Omni-Gain Vertical Collinear for VHF and UHFAn omnidirectional collinear, is capable of surviving harsh environments. It's a good choice for repeater installations and can be top, or side mounted to the tower
Origine et principe de l'antenne directiveSimplicity in terms of its performance, equivalence with a Yagi antenna, optimally sized, three elements with wide spaced, or four elements with close spaced
Quad 4 elementi per i 144 MhzQuad 4 elementi il guadagno da circa 5,87 dbD ad un valore prossimo ai 10 dbD,con un rapporto F/B attorno ai 20 db ed un'impedenza caratteristica di 50 ohm

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map