Antenna for 2 meter square loop

The Antenna is more or less Omni Directional and horizontally polarized.It presents a high takeoff angle and is intended for use in the 144.200mhz area
post 02 Sep 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Yagi for portable work on 144MHz
Is ideal for low power backpack portable operation
A Halo 4 Stack for 70cm on the Cheap
Start by cutting a piece of copper tubing per the dimensions in the diagram above
A Yagi-Uda antenna for MURS and 2-meters
The yagi that I built was designed for the lower 3 MURS channels but was also to be usable on 2-meters
hentenna for 2 meters
hentenna for vhf 2 meters
Is ideal for low power backpack portable operation
Start by cutting a piece of copper tubing per the dimensions in the diagram above
The yagi that I built was designed for the lower 3 MURS channels but was also to be usable on 2-meters
hentenna for vhf 2 meters