A Yagi-Uda antenna for MURS and 2-meters

I was able to perform some measurements of the SWR and compare those to the NEC-2 model. The following figure shows the NEC-2 prediction of the SWR
post 16 Sep 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
1 Element 50 Ohm Yagi
The dipole is mounted vertically 250mm in front of a metal support, the gain is 2,65dBd at 5,5dB F/B
A centre-fed coaxial dipole for 4m
The feed is essentially a delta-match, which makes use of the intrinsic capacitance of the two co-axial stubs
Antena Jpole - TOPFKREIS 435mhz
This antenna is nothing more than the coaxial version of the Jpole antenna. It consists of a half-wave radiant element, the electrical equivalent of the half-wave dipole
Antena yagi 2 metros
An antenna for vhf 2 meters, and a simple three-element yagi with range adjustment worked well for me
2 Meter Halo Antenna by Mike Fedler
Wanted an antenna that was simple, horizontally polarized and omni directional
The dipole is mounted vertically 250mm in front of a metal support, the gain is 2,65dBd at 5,5dB F/B
The feed is essentially a delta-match, which makes use of the intrinsic capacitance of the two co-axial stubs
This antenna is nothing more than the coaxial version of the Jpole antenna. It consists of a half-wave radiant element, the electrical equivalent of the half-wave dipole
An antenna for vhf 2 meters, and a simple three-element yagi with range adjustment worked well for me
Wanted an antenna that was simple, horizontally polarized and omni directional

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map