2 M/6 M Vertical Dipole

- The antenna installed on the roof good results are achieved on 6 and 4 meters. Furthermore, the SWR on both bands are good, SWR = 1 - 1.2
post 26 Dec 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
3 x 3/4 l 2 meter Vertical antenna
The antenna has 3 radiating elements. The phasor coil L1 and L2 functioned as phase shifters in order to maintain equal phase in all 3 radiating elements
5-Element-Yagi for das 2m-Band
Self-construction of a powerful 5-element Yagi for the 2m band with a novel adaptation technique
70cm mixed mode helix
The radiation pattern is optimised to peak toward the horizon, with a gradual reduction in gain towards the overhead sky
145 MHz 10 Eleman Yagi
The antenna has 3 radiating elements. The phasor coil L1 and L2 functioned as phase shifters in order to maintain equal phase in all 3 radiating elements
Self-construction of a powerful 5-element Yagi for the 2m band with a novel adaptation technique
The radiation pattern is optimised to peak toward the horizon, with a gradual reduction in gain towards the overhead sky

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map