
The suare pole antenna

Is a 1/2-wave dipole that has been bent into a square
post 04 Dec 2024
The suare pole antenna

Antenna 40 Meter Links


Project phased vertical array 40mt
Build a two-vertical phased array for 10 meters

Rotary dipole with linear load for the 40 meter band
In this article I will try to explain in the clearest and simplest way the construction of a rigid, rotating dipole with linear load for the 40 meter band. It is the self built antenna that has given me more satisfaction for its behavior, then of some years of testing and information gathered by other friends

Simple antenna for 40 meters
A antenna for 40 Meters is not very difficult.space. Only have space for a 20 Meter dipole, 33 Feet? If this is case, than you have several options

The Linear-Loaded Crappie 40mt rotatable dipole
I decided on building a rotary dipole to put at the top of the tower

The suare pole antenna
Is a 1/2-wave dipole that has been bent into a square

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PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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