
Simple antenna for 40 meters

A antenna for 40 Meters is not very difficult.space. Only have space for a 20 Meter dipole, 33 Feet? If this is case, than you have several options
post 04 Dec 2024
Simple antenna for 40 meters

Antenna 40 Meter Links


Shortened with 40 turns trap 7 mhz Dipole
To construct each side of the antenna proceed as follows. Cut a 10.25 metre length of 24/0.076 insulated wire, and a 160 mm length of 40 mm o.d plastic tubing

Shortening your dipole
Loaded dipole antenna that is intended to fit in available space

Sloper sloping dipoles 40mt-80mt
Having only a single vertical support or limited horizontal space might be a problem.Such a problem can be solved by mounting a dipole at a slope

Super gain antenna project for 40 meters
It is based on the theory of super gain NVIS arrays, which reject QRM from low angles and produces a very high angle of radiation

Short Antenna per le HF
L'antenna e fatta da 3 parti, la parte radiante con la sua capacita


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