Magnetic Loop Experiments

A 145MHz 2m loop. Using the software at the bottom of this page, I worked out that a 36cm length of wire, will need a capacitance of around 3.6pf, and around a 50% efficiency
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna Loop Links →
The ATL-3 Loop Antenna
Tuned winding antennas always have a potential 6dB greater signal sensitivity, and provide a better signal to noise ratio than equally sized broadband designs
The magnetic loop
A 10 ft length of 5/16in copper tube gives a 39in diameter loop
Traveling Loop magnetic
The antenna is made with coaxial cable shorting the inner conductor to the braid
Variation on the Shielded-Loop AM Antenna
A common hula hoop is a readily available item that can be used to house a home-made shielded-loop AM antenna
VHF Antenna in a Lunchbox The Magnetic Loop on Two
The theory of loop aerials for receiving and how they reduce the level of local noise
Tuned winding antennas always have a potential 6dB greater signal sensitivity, and provide a better signal to noise ratio than equally sized broadband designs
A 10 ft length of 5/16in copper tube gives a 39in diameter loop
The antenna is made with coaxial cable shorting the inner conductor to the braid
A common hula hoop is a readily available item that can be used to house a home-made shielded-loop AM antenna
The theory of loop aerials for receiving and how they reduce the level of local noise