
Antenna in a Lunchbox The Magnetic Loop on Two

The loop aerial has a natural resonant frequency at which the reactance of L equals the reactance of C and at which the response peaks such that the output voltage
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna in a Lunchbox The Magnetic Loop on Two

Antenna Loop Links


Loop magnetico per ricevere le ELF
I wrapped about 1710m of 0.50 mm diametrp painted wire in a one meter octoloop

Loop 4 m octagonal perimeter 14 MHz
On my list of new antennas to experiment with is a magnetic loop with a broadband current amplifier in lieu of the usual resonating components

Antenne a telaio
Framed antennas We all had a disappointment when we tried to connect one of those vintage frame antennas to a home radio

Loop Antenna Remote Tuning
Draw a 36-inch diameter circle on your garage floor. Lay a yard stick across the circle with one edge on the center

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica

Conrad Electronic

Conrad Electronic Electronic components online shop in German and Italian