
Calcolo Loop Magnetica

Calcolo Loop Magnetica
Non usare il tubo del loop, con un diametro troppo piccolo perche va a discapito dell'efficienza
post 05 Dec 2024

Antenna Loop Links


The ATL-3 Loop Antenna
Tuned winding antennas always have a potential 6dB greater signal sensitivity, and provide a better signal to noise ratio than equally sized broadband designs

The magnetic loop
A 10 ft length of 5/16in copper tube gives a 39in diameter loop

Traveling Loop magnetic
The antenna is made with coaxial cable shorting the inner conductor to the braid

Variation on the Shielded-Loop AM Antenna
A common hula hoop is a readily available item that can be used to house a home-made shielded-loop AM antenna

VHF Antenna in a Lunchbox The Magnetic Loop on Two
The theory of loop aerials for receiving and how they reduce the level of local noise


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica

Conrad Electronic

Conrad Electronic Electronic components online shop in German and Italian