The J-Pole or Half-Wave Zepp Antenna
The Half-Wave Zepp is an end-fed half-wave antenna. That is, it is a piece of wire one-half wavelength long with the feedline connected at one end
post 18 Feb 2024

Antenna End Fed Links →
Field deployment for end fed wave antennas
Shows the end fed as an invert L antenna
QRPGuys Portable No Tune End Fed Half Wave Antenna
Single band, 80m-10m end fed half wave wire antenna. It is designed as a highly portable wire antenna, easily set up as an inverted V, horizontal, sloper, or in the case of higher frequencies, a vertical radiator. Your feed line is essentially the counterpoise, so a separate one is not needed. The high impedance, half wave wire is matched to your 50 ohm feed point by an integral impedance matching toroid transformer, and rated is at 10 watts
HF End Fed Half Wave
The EFHW monoband matching unit allows for a half wavelength of wire tobe connected, giving a 50 Ohm impedance
30 meter End fed antenne
A T130-2 met 24 Windingen and a new 3 Windingen. De capacitor C = 30 pF A T130-2 with 24 turns and a 3 turns driven coil. Capacitor C = 30 pF
Multiband end fed antennas 3.5 - 30mHz
This is a 200 Watt PEP step up transformer for end fed full and half wave antennas without radials, designed as a 200 Watt PEP upgrade by PA0EJH for the originaly Par Electronics designed 25 Watt HF endfedz multiband end fed antenna
Shows the end fed as an invert L antenna
Single band, 80m-10m end fed half wave wire antenna. It is designed as a highly portable wire antenna, easily set up as an inverted V, horizontal, sloper, or in the case of higher frequencies, a vertical radiator. Your feed line is essentially the counterpoise, so a separate one is not needed. The high impedance, half wave wire is matched to your 50 ohm feed point by an integral impedance matching toroid transformer, and rated is at 10 watts
The EFHW monoband matching unit allows for a half wavelength of wire tobe connected, giving a 50 Ohm impedance
A T130-2 met 24 Windingen and a new 3 Windingen. De capacitor C = 30 pF A T130-2 with 24 turns and a 3 turns driven coil. Capacitor C = 30 pF
This is a 200 Watt PEP step up transformer for end fed full and half wave antennas without radials, designed as a 200 Watt PEP upgrade by PA0EJH for the originaly Par Electronics designed 25 Watt HF endfedz multiband end fed antenna

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