Multiband end fed antennas 3.5-30 MHz
This is a 200 Watt PEP step up transformer for end fed full and half wave antennas without radials, designed as a 200 Watt PEP upgrade by PA0EJH for the originaly Par Electronics designed 25 Watt HF endfedz multiband end fed antenna
post 17 Jun 2024

Antenna End Fed Links →
EndFed Antenna, ferrite rod matching unit for 40mt
The antenna consists of 20M or 65.5 Ft of insulated stranded copper wire about 20 AWG or 1mm, if you are using it as a portable antenna
Endfed 6 - 40 Meter multiband Antenna
A trifilar wound, 9:1 UNUN unbalance to unbalance toroid matching transformer that will match the high input impedance of an end fed antenna
End fed half wave antenna EFHWA
A single wire,cut at 1\2 wavelength of the desired frequency,fed at one end,therefore without center isolators and coax cable to make it heavy and bulky
End Fed 1/2 Wave Vertical
This antenna lets you get onto 80m in a horizontal distance of about 12m 40ft when used as an inverted slope with the apex at 8m
End Fed Half Wave Antenna Tuner
The End Fed Half Wave Antenna EFHWA is a popular antenna for portable use There are very few simpler antennas
The antenna consists of 20M or 65.5 Ft of insulated stranded copper wire about 20 AWG or 1mm, if you are using it as a portable antenna
A trifilar wound, 9:1 UNUN unbalance to unbalance toroid matching transformer that will match the high input impedance of an end fed antenna
A single wire,cut at 1\2 wavelength of the desired frequency,fed at one end,therefore without center isolators and coax cable to make it heavy and bulky
This antenna lets you get onto 80m in a horizontal distance of about 12m 40ft when used as an inverted slope with the apex at 8m
The End Fed Half Wave Antenna EFHWA is a popular antenna for portable use There are very few simpler antennas

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