Endfed halfwave 40m antenna and its matching unit
The antenna consists of 20M or 65.5 Ft of insulated stranded copper wire about 20 AWG or 1mm, if you are using it as a portable antenna
post 15 Jun 2024

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Antenna End-Fed per i 160m
Una antenna end-fed solo per i 160 utilizzando uno spazio ridotto
End-fed Antennas
Technically a true longwire needs to be at least one wavelength long, but Hams commonly call any end-fed wire a longwire or random wire antenna
End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna & Tuner
I would like to have the option of using the antenna portable, where a transmission line is just something else to carry and end-feeding is probably the easiest to set-up.The final device tunes a resistive load of 3-7 kilo-Ohms from 3.2 MHz to 12.6 MHz. 40 metres is covered (and 30 metres too, but I lack a transceiver for it currently), it is unfortunate that 20 metres could not be covered
End-Fed Half-Wave Antennas
A classic historical aerial, the End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna or EFHWA, pronounced EFF-WAA. It is extremely simple to build, erect and use
End feed Antenna for HF Bands
It is a simple half wave wire antenna computed for the lower band which begin worked. On the other bands working onharmonics. The feed point of this antenna applied on the one end
Una antenna end-fed solo per i 160 utilizzando uno spazio ridotto
Technically a true longwire needs to be at least one wavelength long, but Hams commonly call any end-fed wire a longwire or random wire antenna
I would like to have the option of using the antenna portable, where a transmission line is just something else to carry and end-feeding is probably the easiest to set-up.The final device tunes a resistive load of 3-7 kilo-Ohms from 3.2 MHz to 12.6 MHz. 40 metres is covered (and 30 metres too, but I lack a transceiver for it currently), it is unfortunate that 20 metres could not be covered
A classic historical aerial, the End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna or EFHWA, pronounced EFF-WAA. It is extremely simple to build, erect and use
It is a simple half wave wire antenna computed for the lower band which begin worked. On the other bands working onharmonics. The feed point of this antenna applied on the one end

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