
End feed Antenna for HF Bands

It is a simple half wave wire antenna computed for the lower band which begin worked. On the other bands working onharmonics. The feed point of this antenna applied on the one end
post 15 Jun 2024
End feed Antenna for HF Bands

Antenna End Fed Links


End fed antenna lambda/2
drastically lower the impedance with a toroid FT240-43 on which we are going to wrap 14 + 2 coils of copper from 1mm

End fed 1/2 wave matching system end feed
Actual bandwith is more than 2 Mhz with VSWR better than 1:1,7 For 14 Mhz you need approx. 10 meters of wire, abt. 4,7m coax-cable 50Ohm or 300Ohm with a connector about 30cm from the shortend end

End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna & Tuner
The final device tunes a resistive load of 3-7 kilo-Ohms from 3.2 MHz to 12.6 MHz. 40 metres is covered and 30 metres too, but I lack a transceiver for it currently

HF End Fed Half Wave
The SWR is likely to be below 1:1.5 and when used as an omnidirectional vertical the low angle of radiation typically with a maximum at about 20 degrees will give good results on DX

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