Transmatch Automatic Tune
3.0 at 30 MHz, Input Power: Over 2500 W PEP, Output impedance: 10 to 300 ohms resistive (VSWR 1: 1 to 6: 1, Output connectors: 3 Coaxial, 1 Wire antenna, 1 Coaxial Bypass
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
The performance has been almost faultless despite both variable capacitors experience some arcing at 100 watts on two bands. However with the ability to switch in alternate tap positions this problem is over come and operations on all bands is achieved
A Simple and Flexible Tuner for QRP
A series L-C circuit can be used to match a low-impedance load, as presented by a quarter-wave
Accordatore d'antenna filare
Lunghezza del filo La massima possibile, 20 mt o giu' di li' vanno bene per la gamma 7 MHz e maggiori
Accordatore di antenna manuale per H.F 3KW
Si tratta di un semplice e classico accordatore di antenna manuale per H.F. in grado di sopportare oltre 3 KW
The performance has been almost faultless despite both variable capacitors experience some arcing at 100 watts on two bands. However with the ability to switch in alternate tap positions this problem is over come and operations on all bands is achieved
A series L-C circuit can be used to match a low-impedance load, as presented by a quarter-wave
Lunghezza del filo La massima possibile, 20 mt o giu' di li' vanno bene per la gamma 7 MHz e maggiori
Si tratta di un semplice e classico accordatore di antenna manuale per H.F. in grado di sopportare oltre 3 KW
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