The performance has been almost faultless despite both variable capacitors experience some arcing at 100 watts on two bands. However with the ability to switch in alternate tap positions this problem is over come and operations on all bands is achieved
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Palstar AT1500CV
Palstar AT1500CV. I had this tuner in use for more than three years and I liked it very much. The tuner is equipped with asymmetrical and symmetrical connections.
I like inverted L's because I get both vertical and horizontal radiation
Remote control L match aerial Tuning Unit
One of the geared motors turns the roller coaster inductor, the other a variable capacitor.Both motors run at approximately 60 RPM
Symmetrisch antenne systeem
A balun is placed at the input of a symmetrical ATU to make the input signal symmetrical or at the output of an asymmetrical ATU a balun couples the signal symmetrically to the open line
Sicuramente l'accordatore costruito in proprio, dopo le antenne,e' l'apparato piu' presente in Internet dopo le antenne autocostruite
Palstar AT1500CV. I had this tuner in use for more than three years and I liked it very much. The tuner is equipped with asymmetrical and symmetrical connections.
I like inverted L's because I get both vertical and horizontal radiation
One of the geared motors turns the roller coaster inductor, the other a variable capacitor.Both motors run at approximately 60 RPM
A balun is placed at the input of a symmetrical ATU to make the input signal symmetrical or at the output of an asymmetrical ATU a balun couples the signal symmetrically to the open line
Sicuramente l'accordatore costruito in proprio, dopo le antenne,e' l'apparato piu' presente in Internet dopo le antenne autocostruite
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62