
Auto Antenna Tuner

Auto Antenna Tuner
I thought this maybe of some help to builders, I have added 12v LEDs the type with built in resistors to the back of the relays, this makes it much easier to check all is working and to see the solution used
post 27 Jun 2024

Antenna Transmatch tuner Links


Giant Antenna Tuner
This old tuner was built for war, and The components are all WW-II surplus items

HF-6M Antenna Tuner Preselector
Frequency range: 2Mc...52Mc 180m band depending on the mismatch of the antenna used and-or maximum inductance. Experimenting with the coils can be desirable

HF Automatic tuner
The atu is composed essentially of relays commanding inductors and capacitors

I built a ZM-2 QRP Antenna tuner
I built a ZM-2 QRP Antenna tuner on 11-Apr-2003. It took only a couple of hours to put together and was very simple

Informationen zum Z-Match Koppler_Selbstbau
The Z-Match coupler is a popular balanced self-assembly coupler. The circuit diagram for the individual components looks like this

23cm Yagi Antenna building

23cm Yagi Antenna building Finished antenna at 1275 MHz SWR under 1:1.5 at resonant frequency

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135 Preamps for 144 and 430 MHz, for 50 MHz, the BFG135a is a cheap transistor and in my view rather strong. It is not easily damaged by static discharge or RF power. FG connection

30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack

30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack A bonus was that i discovered that these did not need a standby load connected to the supply to keep them running just apply mains power and close the Start lead to ground