Getting on 160 Meters
A full sized, half-wave dipole for 160 meters is rather big around 250 feet long. If you're like me, you don't have enough real estate for that amount of wire! However, you do not need a full sized antenna to produce a respectable, if not good signal on 160 meters
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna 160 meter Links →
160 and 80-Meter Match ing Networks for your 43-foot Vertical
Simple 160 and 80-MeterManual Matching Networkfor your 43 foot Vertical
160 Meter Dipole Antenna at
After a leisurely walk around the estate with tape measure in hand, I managed to locate several nicely spaced trees that looked as though they would serve to hold up a 160 meter dipole
Invisible DX Antenna for the Low Bands
This paper describes a multi-band DX antenna for the 160m-40m amateur radio bands with low visibility but great performance for long distance communication
Simple 160 and 80-MeterManual Matching Networkfor your 43 foot Vertical
After a leisurely walk around the estate with tape measure in hand, I managed to locate several nicely spaced trees that looked as though they would serve to hold up a 160 meter dipole
This paper describes a multi-band DX antenna for the 160m-40m amateur radio bands with low visibility but great performance for long distance communication