
Short Vertical Antennas and Ground Systems

Short Vertical Antennas and Ground Systems
    There have been a number of articles discussing the merits or otherwise of various types of ground systems
post 28 Dec 2024

System Grounding Links


Radio Station Grounding
Ground systems to be considered within a radio station environment

Short Vertical Antennas and Ground Systems
the merits or otherwise of various types of ground systems

Solving RF Interference Problems
Radio transmitters have a great fondness for causing interference

Station Ground
a ground can help reduce common mode noise reaching the antenna

Antenna grounding system
I grounded my antenna using the National Electrical Code in the United States


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62

RF Inductance Calculator

RF Inductance Calculator Mean diameter of the air core coil, measured from conductor centre to conductor centre include the wire insulation thickness, if any

Voice Recorder

Voice Recorder Gestito dall'integrato in questione ed offre la possibilità di registrare più messaggi per una durata massima di un minuto con buona fedeltà di riproduzione