
Multiband HF Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipoles

Off-Center-Fed Dipoles with 80, 40, 30, 20, 15 10 m coverage. The capacitor C shortens the dipole for 80 m actually 75 m band resonance, whereas the coil lenghtens the dipole for 30 m third harmonic resonance. Resistor R has as sole function bleeding off static charges, protecting capacitor C
post 04 Dec 2024
Multiband HF Center-Loaded Off-Center-Fed Dipoles

Antenna Multibands Links


Antenne G5RV
It is a multiband antenna which is similar to a center-fed or a Levy antenna of particular dimensions chosen to obtain a low impedance on frequencies close to 3.5 7 and 14 MHz

Coaxial fed multiband windom antenna
This simple multiband antenna works on all HF bands from 3.5 to 30 MHz, including WARC bands other than 10.1 MHz

Build a sturba curain antenna for hf bands
The Sterba Curtain, as designed is non resonant.There are a couple of bands where the swr will drop to 3:1

Inverted V for 17-20-30-40m
A 4-band 17-20-30-40m antenna that rolls up into an small Grundig antenna case


Ferrite Shop Ferrite-shop on-line shop, cable clamps,toroids, cable cores, technic,ferrite material choice

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

Pcs Electronics RF power amplifiers-pallets archives-ABC of FM AM DAB+ DRM radio transmitters