
Antenna Morgain per 40/80

La morgain e' una antenna semplicissima ed estremamente economica che richiede solo un po' di attenzione in fase di taratura
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna Morgain per 40/80

Antenna Multibands Links


A Co-ax Trap Dipole For 40, 30 and 20 Meters
Another way to minimise the loss of an antenna using coax traps is to use the minimum length of coax needed to achieve resonance

Antena morgain 40/80M
This antenna reduced dimensions for 80 and 40 Meters

Antena dipolo Multibanda
This dipole antenna functions as a half wave dipole in the 40 and 20m bands. In the 80m band it is a shortened dipole and in the 15m band it is a 3/4 wave dipole when the 40m 7Mhz thread resonates at 15m 21MHz

Antenna tipo G5RV
L'antenna e' alimentabile anche con linea bifilare TV da 300 ohm, ma e' preferibile che l'alimentazione avvenga per il tramite uno stub in linea aperta

El Dipolo G5RV
The G5RV antenna is expected to be the most popular among fans. Maybe because of the characteristic of being able to work in different bands


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Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

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