Antenna Half Sloper Multiband 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz
I made about 25,000 QSOs on it mainly in international contests - in 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz bands. The antenna also works effectively in WARC bands
post 04 Dec 2024

Antenna Multibands Links →
40 Meter lazy h array
The LAZY "H" antenna is a general type of antenna that is in the curtain array family. By placing TWO 1 wavelength dipoles in a plane that is at right angles to the direction of maximum
Antenna fra due carrucole
Fa parte delle antenne povere, ossia delle filari
Antenna Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole, or TTFD
Of all the antennas I have built, my favorite is the Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole, or TTFD for short
Antenna dipolo 6 bande senza trappole
Un'antenna realizzata in quattro e quattr'otto e con una spesa di meno di 50 Euro
The LAZY "H" antenna is a general type of antenna that is in the curtain array family. By placing TWO 1 wavelength dipoles in a plane that is at right angles to the direction of maximum
Fa parte delle antenne povere, ossia delle filari
Of all the antennas I have built, my favorite is the Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole, or TTFD for short
Un'antenna realizzata in quattro e quattr'otto e con una spesa di meno di 50 Euro

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map