
Antenna Low Bands 80-160m

On the higher bands, the same antenna is usually used for both TX and RX . The Low Bands are different, in that one good TX antenna is probably adequate. If the TX antenna is relatively inefficient, we can compensate by using more power. But for RX, we require antennae that have the very best signal-to-noise ratio SNR
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna Low Bands 80-160m

Antenna 80 meter Links


Antenna GP 3,5 MHz a carico lineare
This vertical antenna for 80 meters at linear load, of 1/2 wave is born from the need to have a good angle of radiation

Antenna HF multibanda deltaloop 6-160 metri
We can choose between loop-magnetic and DELTA LOOP, the latter does not require great skills and particularly high manual skills to build it

Antena para 80/40 metros, bobinada e de alta performance
Antenna for 80/40 meters, traps and high performance

2-element Parasitic Vertical Array for 80
this article I want to look further at radial topology of vertical arrays for the low bands


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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