
The Optimum 6 Element Yagi-Antenna

The Optimum 6 Element Yagi-Antenna

The 144 MHz antenna is designed for a center frequency of 144.4 MHz. The boom is constructed from aluminium tubing with an outer diameter of 25 mm. All elements are constructed from aluminium tubing with an outer diameter of 10 mm

post 19 Dec 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


VHF/UHF Antennas - Using 75 Ohm TV coax instead of 50 Ohm Coax
Some use 75 Ohm coax exclusively and others never use it. Even though high grade 50 Ohm cable can be expensive, and 75 Ohm cable is readily available and cheap

YAGI 3 elements
Example for F = 145 MHz2.07m, spacings = 2.07x0.25 = 51.7 cm, reflector fed 151/F = 1.04m, elements alimentes 143/F= 98.6 cm 2 times 49.3cm, director = 137 / F 0.945mm, or a Boom of 1.05m, impedence = 50 ohms, gain = 7 DBD, RAV-AR = 20 DB

Yagi 9 elements 144mhz
The first director can be moved forward or backward to search for the best ROS

Yagi Uda 10 elementi 144mhz
Il boom e' lungo complessivamente 3 metri e 70 centimetri e puo essere realizzato in tubo di anticorodal o d'ottone

Yagi Ufh 18 element
Boom in aluminum of 2 / 2mm (tv) length 2.80 m,the parasitic elements may be isolated or not indifferently


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Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

Pcs Electronics RF power amplifiers-pallets archives-ABC of FM AM DAB+ DRM radio transmitters