
Antenna yagi 3 element

Antenna yagi 3 element

Example for F = 145 MHz2.07m, spacings = 2.07x0.25 = 51.7 cm, reflector fed 151/F = 1.04m, elements alimentes 143/F= 98.6 cm 2 times 49.3cm, director = 137 / F 0.945mm, or a Boom of 1.05m, impedence = 50 ohms, gain = 7 DBD, RAV-AR = 20 DB

post 14 Oct 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


A 70cm Big Wheel Antenna
This is a 70cm big wheel antenna which is needed for our beacon

AIS Antenna
The AIS signals are sent on two frequencies near 162-MHz, the upper end of the VHF Marine Band. Most commercially made antennas for the VHF Marine Band are omnidirectional verticals, and their gain is limited

Antenna Yagi 7 elements 403 Mhz
This antenna, designed with the help of Yagi-Calculator, a small and very practical program, was created in 4h30

Antenna for 2mt Yagi vhf 9 element
Antenna yagi 9 element Band 144-146 MHz gain 11 dB

Antenna Log-periodica Dual Band
The antenna belongs to the category of directional and broadband antennas

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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Conrad Electronic

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