Skew planar wheel antenna

The popular usage of the Skew-Planar antenna appears to be RC Radio Control enthusiasts as an ideal aircraft antenna due to its omnidirectional and circularly polarization. The low omnidirectional pattern and the circularly polarization
post 18 Dec 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
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Based on formulas given in the ARRL Handbook
Dipolo grosso 435 MHz, 50 ohms
Antenna is the coaxial version of the J antenna J pole, see here. It consists of a radiating element of half wavelength
FM Dipole for 88-108 MHz 50 ohm
Si inspira al progetto sperimentale dello ZED Dipole per la banda amatoriale VHF
Folded Dipoles for VHF/UHF Yagis
How do I make my own VHF/UHF folded dipoles from aluminium tubing ?
Based on formulas given in the ARRL Handbook
Antenna is the coaxial version of the J antenna J pole, see here. It consists of a radiating element of half wavelength
Si inspira al progetto sperimentale dello ZED Dipole per la banda amatoriale VHF
How do I make my own VHF/UHF folded dipoles from aluminium tubing ?