
FM Dipole for 88-108 MHz 50 ohm

The dipole antennas for reception or transmission for the FM band 88-108 Mhz are normally 75 Ohm impedance. In this project a FM antenna for 88-108 Mhz can be calibrated with 50 Ohm impedance and double polarization. experimental project of the ZED Dipole for the amateur band VHF.The measures of the tubes: 28 Cm Vertical section; 33 Cm Horizontal section with bending at 90 then another 15 Cm which will be used for calibration
post 06 Apr 2024
FM Dipole for 88-108 MHz 50 ohm

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


Antenna double bands 144/432 mhz
Questa antenna e' lunga circa 1,5 metri solo circa 30 centimetri in piu' di una quattro elementi a spaziatura costante classica

Antenna YAGI a 6 elementi per i 2 metri
Il boom e' lungo 1,75 m sezione 1,8 x 1,8 cm, il riflettore 50,3 cm, il radiatore 48,9 cm, d1 44,9cm, d2 44,3 cm, d3 40,8 cm, d4 39,5cm

Antenna Yagi 4 elementi UHF
Adaptation with hairpin on uhf is very functional and stable, and above all it is preferable to the match range

Antenna Double loop rx satellite 137.5mhz
operating frequency = 130 to 170 MHz ,center frequency = 137.5 MHz, perimeter of loops = 227 cm, material used = copper or aluminum = 227x3x0.2 cm, horizontal polarization gain 3 dbd

Antenna for 6 meter band Halo
A square folded dipole radiates in all directions, with -4dB gain on the sides compared to the front and back side


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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