
Yagi antenna 4 elements UHF

Questo tipo di antenna funziona veramente bene
post 03 Feb 2024
Yagi antenna 4 elements UHF

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


10 El.Homebrew UHF Yagi for Satellites
Ideal relationship between length & Gain... for 3-4 DBd more Gain we need in practice about a double Boom in length and much higher number of Elements

144 mhz long yagi constrution details
Uses .125' 3.175 mm diameter aluminum elements, which are to be supported on two parallel non conducting lines that will not stretch

2 meter Halo antenna
Flat aluminium bar is the easiest material to make an antenna with as it is easy to bend and if 3 mm or more thick, is strong enough for most applications at VHF and UHF

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