
Antenna double bands 144/432 mhz

L'elemento attivo e' un dipolo aperto. L'accoppiamento con la discesa è realizzato con il sistema hair-pin derivato dal Delta-match
post 03 Feb 2024
Antenna double bands 144/432 mhz

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


Stacking Online Calculator
The 6WU stacking formula is said to give valid results from a boom length of 2wL on

Super facil antena vhf 1/4 onda
Antenna Ground plane (GP) has the property of receiving and transmitting in an omnidirectional way, that is to say everywhere equally

Super J-Pole Collinear
The antenna J is very simple in construction and has good results

T-match for vhf -uhf Antennas
The T-Match with its balanced feed point is one method of feeding a Balanced Dipole

Antenna Yagi 11 Elements
After using the charts according to DL6WU, the following values have been encoded for the calculation


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