Antenna Yagi 11 Elements
After using the charts according to DL6WU, the following values have been encoded for the calculation
post 15 Oct 2024
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
Array 2 yagi 5 elementi VHF
Le caratteristiche sono queste 5-Element 28-Ohm-Type Boom 2m, Gain 9dBd F/B > 20dB
Big wheel 432 Mhz
Simile ad un trifoglio, in parallelo nonche' in fase e posizionati a 120 gradi fra loro,coprendo cosi' una circonferenza virtuale
Built and tested his the antennas
These are mainly airs for UHF and SHF, for some in circular polarization satellite traffic requires
Le caratteristiche sono queste 5-Element 28-Ohm-Type Boom 2m, Gain 9dBd F/B > 20dB
Simile ad un trifoglio, in parallelo nonche' in fase e posizionati a 120 gradi fra loro,coprendo cosi' una circonferenza virtuale
These are mainly airs for UHF and SHF, for some in circular polarization satellite traffic requires
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62