
diy a helical antenna for 432-435

diy a 14-turn home-made helical antenna for 432/435mhz
post 22 Mar 2024
diy a helical antenna for 432-435

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


900 MHz Helical Antenna
I decided to build a pair of helical antennas, one for each circular sense. Helical antennas have broad bandwidth

A 3 element beam Band six meter
Spacing between elements is 34 and 1/2 inches. The elements are 1/2 inch aluminum tubing of 1/16-inch wall thickness

A 144 MHz Pocket antenna
A dipole fed in his center by a coaxial line. This layout is simple and efficient although the adaptation is not perfect, 50 ohms

Folded dipol for 2 m. and 70 cm

23cm Yagi Antenna building

23cm Yagi Antenna building Finished antenna at 1275 MHz SWR under 1:1.5 at resonant frequency

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135 Preamps for 144 and 430 MHz, for 50 MHz, the BFG135a is a cheap transistor and in my view rather strong. It is not easily damaged by static discharge or RF power. FG connection

30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack

30 Volt Computer Power Supply Stack A bonus was that i discovered that these did not need a standby load connected to the supply to keep them running just apply mains power and close the Start lead to ground