
Folded dipol for 2-mtr and 70cm

Folded dipol for 2-mtr and 70cm

Two folded half wave element driven in phase from a quarter wave stub constitute the active part of the device

post 04 Nov 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


Stacking Online Calculator
The 6WU stacking formula is said to give valid results from a boom length of 2wL on

Super facil antena vhf 1/4 onda
Antenna Ground plane (GP) has the property of receiving and transmitting in an omnidirectional way, that is to say everywhere equally

Super J-Pole Collinear
The antenna J is very simple in construction and has good results

T-match for vhf -uhf Antennas
The T-Match with its balanced feed point is one method of feeding a Balanced Dipole

Antenna Yagi 11 Elements
After using the charts according to DL6WU, the following values have been encoded for the calculation

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