Helical for 70cm

- Is an experimental omni-directional antenna for 70cm which has both horizontal and vertical gain
post 18 Feb 2025
Antenna for UHF VHF Links →
The elements have 10 mm, 8 mm or 6 mm diameter, because this is very uncritical and you get the expected datas! For the tuning let the radiator 2mm longer and cut for best SWR at 432 MHz
The Yagis have 12,5-Ohm resistance use the DK7ZB-match with 2xlambda/4 50Ohm coax or 28-Ohm
7-Element-Yagis stacked for the 2m-Band
These yagis and groups were designed with YO7.23 from K6STI and checked with EZNEC from W7EL. With a gain of 14/17/20dBd
3 element yagi beam 50 MHZ
SWR regulation with harpin system
8 Element Wideband Yagi for 70-cm
It's a scaled down version of the 144 MHz ultra wideband yagi produced by Rutland Arrays. The antenna design was optimized for broadband performance using YAGIMAX software
The elements have 10 mm, 8 mm or 6 mm diameter, because this is very uncritical and you get the expected datas! For the tuning let the radiator 2mm longer and cut for best SWR at 432 MHz
The Yagis have 12,5-Ohm resistance use the DK7ZB-match with 2xlambda/4 50Ohm coax or 28-Ohm
These yagis and groups were designed with YO7.23 from K6STI and checked with EZNEC from W7EL. With a gain of 14/17/20dBd
SWR regulation with harpin system
It's a scaled down version of the 144 MHz ultra wideband yagi produced by Rutland Arrays. The antenna design was optimized for broadband performance using YAGIMAX software