
8 Element Wideband Yagi for 70-cm

8 Element Wideband Yagi for 70-cm

Here's a simple broadband yagi antenna that can be built on a 4 foot boom and used for portable ATV, the antenna design was optimized for broadband performance using YAGIMAX software

post 12 Sep 2024

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


Antenna double bands 144/432 mhz
Questa antenna e' lunga circa 1,5 metri solo circa 30 centimetri in piu' di una quattro elementi a spaziatura costante classica

Antenna YAGI a 6 elementi per i 2 metri
Il boom e' lungo 1,75 m sezione 1,8 x 1,8 cm, il riflettore 50,3 cm, il radiatore 48,9 cm, d1 44,9cm, d2 44,3 cm, d3 40,8 cm, d4 39,5cm

Antenna Yagi 4 elementi UHF
Adaptation with hairpin on uhf is very functional and stable, and above all it is preferable to the match range

Antenna Double loop rx satellite 137.5mhz
operating frequency = 130 to 170 MHz ,center frequency = 137.5 MHz, perimeter of loops = 227 cm, material used = copper or aluminum = 227x3x0.2 cm, horizontal polarization gain 3 dbd

Antenna for 6 meter band Halo
A square folded dipole radiates in all directions, with -4dB gain on the sides compared to the front and back side

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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Conrad Electronic

Conrad Electronic Electronic components online shop in German and Italian