
The GM3VLB 5 Band mini delta beam

5 Band mini delta beam 14-18-21-24-28 Mhz

The GM3VLB 5 Band mini delta beam

Antenna Delta Loop Links


Delta Loop Dimenciones de la Antena en Mts
Delta arms, are all corticircuitados each other, the impedance at the point of power is 120 ohms, for this reason to feed it, a Much Range adapter is used. It is ideal for bands of 10, 15 and 20mt

Delta loop for 20mt
L'elemento radiante e' un triangolone di 6,7 metri per lato per un totale di 20,10 metri ed al centro della base del triangolo, realizzare un bobina fatta di 16 spire in aria diam. 2 cm., lunga 10 cm

28 and 24 MHz Limited Space 3/4 Wave Delta Loop
Using the standard formula for loops, 1005 divided by frequency in MHz gives us the one-wavelength design length for a particular band


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