
The Ferrite Rod Antenna

A small Magnetic Loop as an antenna. Although usually better than a Hertzian dipole
post 05 Dec 2024
The Ferrite Rod Antenna

Antenna Loop Links


A Five indor magnetic loop
Covers the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metre bands and is made from a single 3 metre length of 22 mm copper tube cut into 4 pieces of equal length

A remotely-tuned loop receiving antenna for LW and MW
Build a loop antenna for low frequency LF and medium wave MW reception with remote-controlled tuning

A small LF loop antenna
A loop antenna for receiving purposes in the frequency range10kHz to 150kHz

A magnetic loop antenna
This antenna was to use multiple conductors in parallel to reduce the resistance losses in the antenna , and thereby improve the efficiency

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