
Sensitivity of Multi Turn Receiving Loops

Multi turn wire loops are often used as low frequency receiving antennas. The loop sensitivity decreases as frequency decreases
post 05 Dec 2024
Sensitivity of Multi Turn Receiving Loops

Antenna Loop Links


A Five indor magnetic loop
Covers the 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metre bands and is made from a single 3 metre length of 22 mm copper tube cut into 4 pieces of equal length

A remotely-tuned loop receiving antenna for LW and MW
Build a loop antenna for low frequency LF and medium wave MW reception with remote-controlled tuning

A small LF loop antenna
A loop antenna for receiving purposes in the frequency range10kHz to 150kHz

A magnetic loop antenna
This antenna was to use multiple conductors in parallel to reduce the resistance losses in the antenna , and thereby improve the efficiency

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