
Magnet loop for 80M - 40M

Planned Hinge-Capacitor, Remote Control via Motor-driven Excenter, Plates 25x25cm, Spacing at 80m = 625 cm2/128pF = 4.88mm,Spacing at 40m = 625cm2/14pF = 44.64mm
post 05 Dec 2024
Magnet loop for 80M - 40M

Antenna Loop Links


Q- Multiplying Loop Antenna
This circuit is designed to be used in conjunction with the standard 4 foot square loop used in MW for long distance reception

Receive Loop Preamplifier
My idea is not to tune the loop, but simply transform the complex impedance

Receiving Loop theory
Multi turn wire loops are often used as low frequency receiving antennas. Applications such as geophysical research, oil exploration and survivable

Short Loop
The losses are not taken into account when calculating the values. Losses increase the bandwidth, but increasing the bandwidth in this way is total nonsense because the efficiency drops.


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Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

Pcs Electronics

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