Loop Antenna Calculator

Although this online calculator is intended to assist with designing and building homemade, ham radio loop antennas for use in the HF bands, magnetic antennas have been constructed that function in the VHF or even the UHF frequencies
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna Loop Links →
Magnetic Loop Antenna
A receive only magnetic loop, just for shortwave listening. This loop covers a frequency range of about 5 MHz to 22 MHz
Magnetic Loop Antennas Receiving
The new loop is not really loop-shaped but is rectangular 10' x 20' and more like a Flag antenna shape
Magnetic loop for 160 - 15 metres
The feedline is connected to the bottom of the loop, dimensions are not particularly critical
Magnetic loop
Since the antenna must always again be co-ordinated with frequency change, most remarks are provided with a remote control for the condenser
A receive only magnetic loop, just for shortwave listening. This loop covers a frequency range of about 5 MHz to 22 MHz
The new loop is not really loop-shaped but is rectangular 10' x 20' and more like a Flag antenna shape
The feedline is connected to the bottom of the loop, dimensions are not particularly critical
Since the antenna must always again be co-ordinated with frequency change, most remarks are provided with a remote control for the condenser

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map