
Experiences with Loop antennas at

Frame loop antennas are used on 136 for receiving and usually consist of around 50 turns of wire on a 1 metre or so square framework, resonated to the required frequency, and matched by some form of link coupling
post 05 Dec 2024
Experiences with Loop antennas at

Antenna Loop Links


Loop A Compact Antenna for 10.1,14,21 Mhz Bands
Magnetic loop, using a toroid balun to get a reasonable match on the three bands

Loop Coaxial Antena de Ondas Curtas para Espacos
Shortwave Shielded Coax Loop Assembly

Loop for the AM broadcast band
You will find plans to build a three or four foot box loop for the AM broadcast band. e loop's ability to null stations

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


Radioassistance Radioassistance E Kenwood Dealer, vendita ricetrasmittenti, antenne, parti di ricambio, elettronica

Conrad Electronic

Conrad Electronic Electronic components online shop in German and Italian