Antenna LOOP per 80 metri solo ricezione

E' un LOOP sintonizzato e schermato elettro staticamente
post 05 Dec 2024
Antenna Loop Links →
Magnetic loop antenna new theory
The loops shown are all coupled with a ferrite transformer which is used to match the 50 ohms coaxial feeder to the feed point resistance of the loop
Loop Magnetic
Diameter 1.27 meters. Perimeter 4 meters. Width 80 mm. Material Dural alu.Loop antenna with manual tuning. Motor drive is planned
Magnetic Loop Antenna
Although a magnetic loop antenna aka small loop antenna is very compact, its efficiency is close to a half-wavelength dipole if carefully built
The loops shown are all coupled with a ferrite transformer which is used to match the 50 ohms coaxial feeder to the feed point resistance of the loop
Diameter 1.27 meters. Perimeter 4 meters. Width 80 mm. Material Dural alu.Loop antenna with manual tuning. Motor drive is planned
Although a magnetic loop antenna aka small loop antenna is very compact, its efficiency is close to a half-wavelength dipole if carefully built