Endfed multibands with tunner
End-feed antenna with 1.5mm wire 36m long and T200-2 toroid - 23 double turns of one mm
post 16 Jun 2024

Antenna End Fed Links →
Multi band end-fed
The antenna is very effective / efficient, it can be mounted as vertical, horizontal or as a sloper, it is low on QRM / QRN, it does not cause any RFI in the cabin, it is very practical to assemble
Realizzazione della EFHWA
E' un semplice L Tuner che adatta l'impedenza dai 50 ohm del RTX ai 2450 dell' End Feed Half Wave Antenna
Remote loading unit for a 160 end fed antenna
I have made three of these remote loading units, two currently in use. . The supply to the motor is via the coax feeder
The end fed wire antenna
A simple matching unit is needed to couple the wire to the rig and a counterpoise is required for some bands
The antenna is very effective / efficient, it can be mounted as vertical, horizontal or as a sloper, it is low on QRM / QRN, it does not cause any RFI in the cabin, it is very practical to assemble
E' un semplice L Tuner che adatta l'impedenza dai 50 ohm del RTX ai 2450 dell' End Feed Half Wave Antenna
I have made three of these remote loading units, two currently in use. . The supply to the motor is via the coax feeder
A simple matching unit is needed to couple the wire to the rig and a counterpoise is required for some bands