
EFHWA tuner

Un tipo un balun 1:7 oppure 1:8 per fronteggiare gli ohm presenti ai vertici della nostra antenna, quindi 3 giri di avvolgimento primario e 21 o 22 di secondario andranno bene. per quanto riguarda il ROS non salgo mai sopra 1.6-1.8
post 01 May 2024
EFHWA tuner

Antenna End Fed Links


20/11/10m.monoband end fed halfwave antenna
The vertical end fed half wave antenna is my choice for it’s easy to employ and it's a perfect DX antenna

Endfed antenna 40m-20m and 10m
This antenna is a 12m long multiband antenna for 40m, 20m and 10m. it has a 1:60 autotransformer with a single ft-140-43 core for 100w pep

A portable multi-band End-Fed Half Wave 40-10m
The antenna a portablemulti-band end-fed half wave EFHW40-10m with a 49:1 Unun

An End Fed Half Wave Antenna writing
As a rough guide, a capacitor of 50pf across a winding of say 30 turns is a starting point for 40m. Some experimenting with turns and tapping point is necessary. The coil former used was about 1/4 inches in diameter as found in old IF transformers

An End Fed Inverted Monoband Vee
An End Fed Inverted Monoband Vee has a low impedance point around 1/4 wave away from ground, and the multiples of 1/4 wave on the feed side


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Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

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