A portable multi-band End-Fed Half Wave 40-10m
The antenna a portablemulti-band end-fed half wave EFHW 40-10m with a 49:1 Unun
post 26 May 2024

Antenna End Fed Links →
160 meter end fed
With this length of wire a coil of 11 turns is required, resonating the antenna on 1.950MHz with an SWR of 1.5:1
10 20 40m Endfed antenna
It's has a large bandwidth with a low SWR and has no radials
40m End Fed Half Wave EFHW Antenna
The feed point of the EFHW is in the order of 3000 to 5000 ohms while the 1/2 wave dipole will be closer to 50 ohms in the inverted V configuration
60 Meter End Fed Half Wave Antenna Tuner
With this length of wire a coil of 11 turns is required, resonating the antenna on 1.950MHz with an SWR of 1.5:1
It's has a large bandwidth with a low SWR and has no radials
The feed point of the EFHW is in the order of 3000 to 5000 ohms while the 1/2 wave dipole will be closer to 50 ohms in the inverted V configuration

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