Tuner 1.8 - 50 MHz
Variable capacitors and switch from R-104 BSN block. In the absence of these capacitors, it is possible to use 2 sections, from the transmission radios
post 11 May 2023
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Semplice accordatore per swl
Il segnale reso disponibile alla presa sulla bobina L1, a causa del numero variabile che delle spire al momento ci sono, col variabile C1 costituisce un semplice circuito accordato L/C
SGC Smartuner with balanced dipole antenna
The SGC-230 'Smartuner' is an automatically tuned/L-network. 1.6 MHz - 30 MHz SGC-230 is nominally rated for 200 W PEP and is therefore ideal for use with typical 100 W HF transceivers
Super Tee Antenna Tuner
Leature of this tuner is that the low side of the tuner is raised above ground, allowing the tuner to be used with a balanced line
Switchted indutor L match tunner
Sixth inductor of 16 uH and another switch could be added for a total of 31.5 uH which would allow operation on 160 meters too if needed
The NorCal BLT Tuner
The circuit also is an absorptive bridge, which means that your transmitter sees a 50 ohm load as you are tuning up
Il segnale reso disponibile alla presa sulla bobina L1, a causa del numero variabile che delle spire al momento ci sono, col variabile C1 costituisce un semplice circuito accordato L/C
The SGC-230 'Smartuner' is an automatically tuned/L-network. 1.6 MHz - 30 MHz SGC-230 is nominally rated for 200 W PEP and is therefore ideal for use with typical 100 W HF transceivers
Leature of this tuner is that the low side of the tuner is raised above ground, allowing the tuner to be used with a balanced line
Sixth inductor of 16 uH and another switch could be added for a total of 31.5 uH which would allow operation on 160 meters too if needed
The circuit also is an absorptive bridge, which means that your transmitter sees a 50 ohm load as you are tuning up
About Rtty mode
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